Why take the time to host a website about the game of darts? Why take time out of our busy day to read about the game of darts on some obscure website? Why? Because we play the game of darts and we love the game of darts! That's why.
The game of darts has special qualities in the world of sports. It is a game of skill that can be played by the young and old alike. A game that requires no running, jumping, climbing, swimming or hand-stands (unless you want to). Most of all, the game of darts is a friendly game that always begins and ends with a handshake and the encouragement to "Shoot well".
We at DartGuide.Com love "Darts" and are committed to supporting the sport through knowledge and encouragement. We feel it is important to teach the "newcomer" and remind the "Pro" what it is that has brought us together in the first place.
Hopefully, you will find in the articles, images, links and stories within, the spirit of the game.
We have met many people over the years who have told us "I have met some of my best friends through darts". Perhaps you too can be counted as such.